Software Lighthouse

IOS Mobile App

IOS  Mobile App Development

Developing an iOS mobile app involves using Apple’s ecosystem of tools and technologies. iOS apps are primarily coded using Swift, a modern and efficient programming language, although Objective-C can still be used for legacy projects. 


The official integrated development environment (IDE) for iOS development is X code, which offers a comprehensive suite of tools for coding, designing interfaces, debugging, and testing. Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) serve as a blueprint for designing iOS apps, ensuring they maintain a consistent and user-friendly look and feel across the platform. 


The development process typically involves setting up X code and the required software development kits (SDKs), writing code in Swift, designing the user interface with Interface Builder, and extensively testing the app on iOS simulators and real devices. Additionally, iOS apps must adhere to Apple’s strict review guidelines for submission to the App Store.

Our Best Features

Exclusive App Prototypes

We approach transparent prototypes, if you need a prototype at a particular stage, we will make special amendments for you. If your business requirement, giving you a fully capable prototype, as early as possible, will be our top priority.

NDA As Per Your Requirements

You need an NDA for project, we can in signing one. We understand how things need to remain exclusive and discrete, and we would be happy to be work anonymously if that suits your business model.

Least Turnaround Time

You need an NDA for project, we can in signing one. We understand how things need to remain exclusive and discrete, and we would be happy to be work anonymously if that suits your business model.

Exclusive Mobile Apps

We can help you to create everything that fits your business needs, our experience in various industries is something that counts for the creation of exclusive mobile apps. If you want, we can make your app stand out from the competition in multiple ways.

Post-Delivery Support

We provide you at least 3 months of free maintenance with every app that we develop.If you would like a package specially designed as per your requirements, we would be happy to customize it according to your needs.


Both Google Play Store and App Store need to control version.It help mobile apps to stay top of the app chart while enabling the developers to add new functions after the app launch.

App Screenshots